Practice of Chastity#1
The practice of chastity is a superb behaviour which means to conduct more strictly in accordance with the practices of Buddhism to prevent the growth of defilements until all defilements are vanished by passing through the processions according to the levels of the mind.
The Middle Way Meditation Coach Training Program
สันติภาพเป็นสิ่งที่ทุกๆคนปรารถนา ทุกๆสังคม และชุมชนล้วนแสวงหาสันติภาพ องค์กรสันติภาพโลกได้ก่อตั้งรางวัลสันติภาพโลกขึ้น และได้คัดเลือกองค์กร และบุคคลที่เหมาะสมที่สุดเพื่อรางวัลนี้มาแล้วนับร้อยปี
The Great Master's Paths
The six important places involved with the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Chandasaro), the rediscoverer of Dhammakaya Vijja and the monk who conquered Mara
St. John’s O’Leary finds answers in Buddhism
Applying knowledge Skillfully
“When we plant a mango tree to satisfy our appetite or getting rich depends on the fruit the tree will give
Please come to found the building for establishing the Golden Statues of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro)
Please come to found the building for establishing the Golden Statues of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro), the Monk who conquered Maras, and the places for supporting four Buddhist Communities along the Paths of the Great Master
How To Plant Habits In Children So They Will Become Disciplined And Responsible (Mai Sab)#4
If you want your children not to be “Sab” you must train them not only in time management but also with regards to cleaning behavior
Super Perfection Pursuer
What did my mother do which causes her to love merit accumulation so much and had the chance to make merit with Luang Pu when he was still alive? What deed makes her, at the last period of her life, suffer with blood pressure, rheumatoid, thyroid and makes her tumble so many times that her ankles are no longer strong which obstruct her from coming to the temple? What retribution makes her not to have gum edge which causes her to be unable to wear false teeth, so it is difficult for her to eat and defecate?
การอบรมผู้ช่วยสอนสมาธิเบื้องต้น (The Middle Way Meditation Coach Training Program)
การอบรมผู้ช่วยสอนสมาธิเบื้องต้น (MMC)เพื่อเปิดโอกาสให้ผู้สนใจการปฏิบัติธรรม นั่งสมาธิ ได้ร่วมปฏิบัติธรรมระยะยาว และสามารถออกไปทำหน้าที่เผยแผ่การสอนสมาธิในระดับนานาชาติได้
During a dry season, extremely dried soil in as field can become hydrated (reunited ) again when it rains.